Distinguished Talent Visa Changes

The Distinguished Talent program provides a pathway to permanent residency in Australia for candidates who can show exceptional and outstanding achievement in their field and who would be an asset to the Australian community. Areas considered are: professions, sport, the arts, academia and research.
The changes, which come into effect on the 14th November 2020, will make it easier for certain onshore candidates to apply as they remove a requirement for the applicant to be offshore. The abolishment of the former s/c 124 (offshore) Distinguished Talent visa, does therefore not pose a disadvantage to onshore candidates.
Applicants in Australia must hold a substantive visa or a specified bridging visa, when applying. Certain temporary visa holders are no longer excluded and the new provisions allow for a potential health waver in certain circumstances.
If you think you are affected by these changes or would like to explore your options to apply for an Australian visa, please don’t hesitate to contact Silburn Migration to book a consultation.