🚨 Important Updates Alert! 🚨 The Australian government has just rolled out significant changes to its immigration rules that might affect visa applicants and employers. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new:

📚 **Student Visa Priorities**: Ministerial Direction No. 107 now sets clear priorities for student visa processing, focusing on different sectors and education levels. Priority goes to various applicants, including those in the Schools, Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Postgraduate Research sectors, among others.

🛂 **Subsequent Entrants & Course Packaging**: Priority applies to subsequent entrants and is determined by the primary course of study’s level. If combining courses, the highest Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level takes precedence.

🌐 **Visa Application Dates**: These new priorities apply to applications from December 15, 2023, onwards, including pending ones from before this date.

🏢 **Labour Market Testing (LMT) Requirement Change**: Employers no longer need to advertise on the Workforce Australia website for certain nomination applications (subclass 482 and 494). There’s now flexibility in how LMT is conducted, including advertising periods.

📝 **Migration Strategy Unveiled**: The Australian government’s Migration Strategy, building on comprehensive reviews, outlines key actions to reshape temporary skilled migration, strengthen education integrity, combat exploitation, plan migration better, and simplify the system.

👥 **Support with Visa Applications**: Need help with your Australian visa application? Silburn Migration is here to assist you every step of the way. Contact us for expert guidance and support!

Stay updated and informed for a smoother visa application process. Get in touch with us for personalised assistance. #AustralianImmigration #VisaUpdates #MigrationChanges